El fin del zopilote

Date: 1944

Medium: Wood engraving

Dimensions (cm.):  18.0 x 14.0

Alternate titles: El zopilote ahorcado; Zopilote ahorcado; La ejecución del zopilote

Published edition: 

Contemporary publication: Incidentes melodicos del mundo irracional. See above.

References: Exposición de Homenaje 488 (illus.);  Prignitz 490; included in Prignitz 498-523

Commentary: El fin del zopilote is a grim reminder of the fate that awaits evil-doers. In the foreground, Don Zopilote hangs from a dead tree in darkness, while in the distance the campesinos celebrate his demise. The crowd is quite individualized, as in other of Méndez’s depictions of masses of people.The image of hanging was particularly potent in Mexico, as summary executions by hanging were extremely common during the Mexican Revolution. Several well-known images of these events exist, among them, documentary photographs from the Revolution, and most notably a Posada print, Campesino ahorcado (Campesino Hanged), itself based on a photograph. These images would have been familiar to Méndez. (Deborah Caplow)

Catalogue record number: 529