Plutarco Elías Calles es deportado por órdenes del gobierno de Gral. Lázaro Cárdenas, 1936
(Collaboration with Alfredo Zalce)
Date: c. 1945-47
Medium: Linocut
Dimensions (cm.): Information to be added
Alternate titles: Unknown
Published edition:
Portfolio Estampas de la revolución mexicana: 500 copies, numbered 1-500 and 50 copies numbered I-L, printed commercially by Editorial Galatea and published by La Estampa Mexicana under the direction of Hannes Meyer. The prints were printed from the original linoleum blocks on bond paper , 36 kg., of various colors (white, pink, orange, blue, green). The album cover was printed on gray (ceniza) corsican cardstock, 182 kgs. Sheet dimensions 30.2 x 40.5.
Additional impressions of the individual prints from the portfolio were hand-pulled at the TGP. Number of impressions unknown.
A photomechanical reproduction, printed by offset, was included in the 1960 TGP portfolio 450 años de lucha: Homenaje al pueblo mexicano.
Contemporary publication: Information to be added
References: Prignitz 697
Cataloging note: The portfolio Estampas de la revolucion mexicana included an historical note by Alberto Morales Jiménez for each print. The note for this print reads:
En 1936 el general Plutarco Elías Calles, "por razones de salud publica", fue deportado a Estados Unidos, como consecuencia de su actitud francamente hostil a las organizaciones obreras y campesinos del país. El general Elías Calles había pretendido rectificar los principios de la Revolución Mexicana, a través de unas declaraciones suscritas por él, en las cuales campeaba un espíritu francamente reaccionario y contrario al Gobierno presidido por el general Lázaro Cárdenas.
Compare this treatment of the same subject by José Chávez Morado for a volante issued by the LEAR, 1936.
Catalogue record number: 170