Photo: Michael T. Ricker

La revista de América (viñeta de pajaro)

(Attribution to Méndez is tentative) 

Date: 1927

Medium: Woodcut

Dimensions (cm.): Information to be added

Alternate titles: Unknown. This title supplied by the editors.

Published edition: Unknown

Contemporary publication: La revista de América 1, no. 2 (31 diciembre, 1927)

References: Information to be added

Cataloging note: This is one of several vignettes that appeared in the second issue of La revista de América, a short-lived journal of politics and the arts edited by Gilberto Bosques (1892-1995), an important  Mexican intellectual, cultural official, and later, diplomat. Méndez was given credit for the cover illustration and a portrait of Charles Lindbergh. Another image in the journal was credited to Gabriel Fernández Ledesma and bears his initials. The vignettes are uncredited and cannot be definitively attributed to either Ledesma or Méndez but they bear a strong similarity to the decoration carved at the bottom of the Lindbergh portrait, lending support to the likelihood that they were Méndez's creations.

Catalogue record number: 805